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Would you like to communicate with your bank easily and securely via the most up-to-date direct banking services? If so, we've designed the Expresní linka service (intended chiefly for Individuals and small businesses) so that you can use banking services at your discretion via the number 955 551 556. By activating the extra Expresní linka Plus service you can also access your accounts via the internet. With the Mobilní banka additional service you can operate your account via your mobile phone keypad. Expresní linka allows you to carry out normal banking operations and also offers you the possibility to discuss your financial affairs with experienced telephone bankers. For example, you can order selected products from KB subsidiaries directly over the telephone. Access to the service is secured by a PIN and password or by an optical key card.
Do you want to set the sending of SMS messages notifying of your account balance? Do you know how to instantly review your payment card payments? Hints and guidance for easy operation will help you to easily and quickly operate your accounts via the EL Plus service.
Do you want to find out the minimum requirements for hardware and software to use the EL Plus service? Try our simple test application, which will provide you with all necessary information.
Do you have problems with logging in to Expresní linka Plus service? In this case, follow the information that will help you to easy putting Expresní linka Plus into service.
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