User profile

How to use this window

Use this window to view user profiles without changing them. This window displays personal data of the user, a list of all accounts he/she can operate through MojeBanka Business and amounts of daily limits to these accounts. Each user can access his/her own profile only. The profile shows the dates and times of the last 10 logins of the user to the applications MojeBanka Business and MojeBanka (for up to the last 90 days), including the IP address from which the user logged in.
IP addresses are loaded into the application once a day - during the night download. Therefore, they will be displayed on the day following the night download.

Description of some terms (such as Header, Notifications, variable and others symbols etc.) can be found in the glossary or in FAQ.

Description of the window and its elements

Element Description
Name Displays the name of the subject, i.e. of the legal entity or natural person (entrepreneur) or natural person (normal person).
User ID A number identifying a user in the internal system of Komercni banka. It is called the Client identification number in the contract.
Residence/address Displays the registered office for companies, the address for others.
Login date and time The chronological list of the last 10 logins of the user to the application (for up to the last 90 days).
Computer IP address Computer IP address from which the user logged in to the application.
Administered service The application which the user has logged in to.
Account number Displays a list of account numbers (including bank codes) that the user may operate through mojebanka.
Currency The currency of the account.
Account name Company (or personal, for normal persons) name of the account holder is specified in this field.
Account alias User-defined alias name of an account within mojebanka.
Daily user limit to account Specifies the user limit for a banking day for the selected account. The limit is defined at the time of assigning users.
Account type Specifies the type of account - current, savings, term or credit.

MojeBanka Business