Subject profile

How to use this window

Use the Subject profile window to view profiles of subjects (e.g. companies). The subject profile displays all accounts of the subject operated in the MojeBanka Business service and informs of multiple authorization rules adjusted for the subject. Only the owner of the subject can access the subject profile - the user registered in Komercni banka as a statutory representative or owner.

The profile shows information on the subject's tax residence; it is possible to make changes.

Within the profile in the MojeBanka Business application, dates and times of the subject operation by assignees will be displayed, including the IP address of the computer from which the subject was operated. Operation of the subject means displaying of the subject after logging into the application as well as any switching of the operated subject (both automated and manual) within a single session.
10 records will be displayed (up to the last 90 days).
IP addresses are loaded into the application once a day - during the night download. Therefore, they will be displayed on the day following the night download.

Description of some terms (such as Header, Notifications, variable and others symbols etc.) can be found in the glossary or in FAQ.

Description of the window and its elements

Element Description
Surname/subject name Displays the name of the subject, i.e. of the legal entity or natural person (entrepreneur) or natural person (normal person).
Comp.ID/Pers.ID Displays the identification number for companies and personal identification number for others.
Residence/address Displays the registered office for companies, the address for others.
Daily subject limit Displays the total amount that can be transferred from all accounts of a subject during a single day.

The subject limit is not checked and decreased for payments:
  • between accounts of the same owner within KB,
  • between private and business accounts within KB if the same natural person is the owner.
  • Decrease subject limit button Press this button to display the Decrease subject limit - enter details window, which can be used for permanent decrease of the total daily subject limit.
    Country of tax residency Country in which you pay taxes for your global incomes.
    TIN in the country of tax residency Dealer identification number (DIČ) is a unique identification of a tax subject. Typically, this is the birth number with the CZ prefix for natural persons with tax residency in the Czech Republic. Example: CZ1234567890. Typically, the DIČ is issued by the appropriate tax administrator (tax office). If your country of tax residency is the Czech Republic, DIČ is an optional information.
    Enter date Date of the last entering of your tax residence (within KB).
    Amend button Press this button to display Declaration of tax residency window to make changes to the tax residence.
    Account number Displays a list of numbers of subject accounts operated in the MojeBanka Business service, including the bank code.
    Account type Specifies the type of account - current, term, savings or credit.
    Currency The currency of the account.
    Multiple authorization Informs of rules set for multiple authorization for a subject.
    Number of signatures Specifies the number of signatures required for multiple authorization.
    Structure of signatures Specifies whether only signatures of group A or signatures of groups A and B are required for multiple authorization.
    User surname and name Surname and name of the user - assigned person who operated the subject.
    User ID Identification number of the user - assigned person who operated the subject.
    Start date and time of operation Day of the week, date and time when operation of the subject started (the moment of logging into the application or the moment of switching to the operated subject).
    Computer IP address IP address of the computer from which the subject was operated.

    MojeBanka Business