Add authorized person

How to use this window

In this window, a user with rights to online administration can add new attorney who will operate - using the previously created certificate - the client's accounts.
Only account holders, statutory representatives may add new attorneys. It is possible to add only attorneys who have already concluded at least the contract on using the certificate.
Users (attorneys) can be added by their personal identification number (birth number) or by the user identification number. If a user enters the personal ID number (birth number), the data must be separated with a slash, otherwise the application will take it as being the user identification number.

Press Add to open the Setting user rights window to set access to individual services, authorization roles and limits in individual accounts.

Description of the window and its elements

Element Description
User ID or PID Use this option to enter the KB user identification number or his/her personal identification number (birth number) - in this case, data will be separated with a slash.
User will be authorised for the owner The name of the subject the new user will be assigned to. It is a subject currently selected in the upper subject select list.
Add attorney button Press to open the Setting user rights window.

MojeBanka Business